1. Please give us a brief introduction of yourself.
Hi there, this is Dean. I run a boutique agency, doing a.o. Marketing, Branding and PR in tech, fashion and music. Currently I am based in London, which is also where I am currently spending my lockdown.
2. Why did you decide to buy a bespoke suit?
My first bespoke suit was done by Caroline, I was obsessed with her signature Black Watch Tartan. The addition of a double-breasted suit to my wardrobe, really has upped my game. Thinking about what should be next.
3. How has your dress code changed since lockdown?
Well, the lockdown has really made me dress down. Most days, I just wear tracksuits, even though I am not working out every day.
4. Will you change the way you dress after lockdown?
Yes, most likely, I feel my wardrobe can definitely use an update after this lockdown.
Unrelated to tailoring….
5. What do you miss most that you have taken for granted before lockdown?
Easy one, I miss going out, meeting new people and be able to do meetings etcetera face-to-face. There is something about meeting in person, which cannot be replaced by ZOOM, Hangouts and Facetime calls
6. What has been the latest addition to your daily routine?
With a lot of industries being put on hold, I decided to use my time doing things I would usually not have the time for. I’ve been dusting off my Spanish and French skills, reading a lot, exploring new industries to work in and exploring areas in London on my daily walks.
7. What has kept you sane during these bleak times?
Definitely meditating, working out and reading. It made me realize how I can use this phase to grow on a personal and business level, i.e. broadening my skillset. I also must admit, that wine definitely also helped quite a bit, especially when they are combined with parties on ZOOM.