Working from home with Hamish Grant

  1. Please give us a brief introduction of yourself.

I am a father of two and the Managing Partner of a credit investment business.

  • Why did you decide to buy a bespoke suit?

I think looking smart is really important in business and I feel more confident and comfortable in a suit that was made for me than one made for a tailor’s dummy.

  • How has your dress code changed since lockdown?

I wear a formal shirt with casual trousers and no tie.

  • Will you change the way you dress after lockdown?

I’m looking forward to returning to the contrast of smart during the week and causal at the weekend.

Unrelated to tailoring….

  • What do you miss most that you have taken for granted before lockdown?

Office banter

6. What has been the latest addition to your daily routine? 

Getting up at 6am to walk the dogs

7. What has kept you sane during these bleak times?

My home gym

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