1. Please give us a brief introduction of yourself.
A Financial Analyst with a love of gardening, sport and Arts.
2. Why did you decide to buy a bespoke suit?
Style, comfort and business like all in one fabulous outfit!
3. How has your dress code changed since lockdown?
Lots of effort with the top half for those face time and zoom meetings but relaxed casual wear and joggers have dominated below the waist. Definitely no onesy!
4. Will you change the way you dress after lockdown?
Depends a little on what the new normal becomes but seriously – No I can’t wait to throw out the joggers!
Unrelated to tailoring….
5. What do you miss most that you have taken for granted before lockdown?
Giving my family a hug and those wonderful moments shared with friends in real time. And of course .. I mustn’t forget my hairdresser, a service I really took for granted. Not only did I catch up with all the celebrity gossip she keeps me looking tidy.
6. What has been the latest addition to your daily routine?
A timetable – it ensures I get the right mix of activities. It’s far too easy to box set binge with out one.
7. What has kept you sane during these bleak times?
My family and friends. Particularly those WhatsApp group chats, jokes and messages that kept me smiling. Although the photos of home baking were not helpful I kept getting pangs of food envy!